Document name Upgrading vUCP 4 to Release 5.0
Author  Simon SMith Publish Date5 10/5/2021 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 10/5/2021 Simon Smith
1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document gives the options available, when upgrading vUCP 4 to vUCP Release 5.


Upgrading Release 4 vUCP to Release 5 


vUCP 5 introduces built-in vVOIM, and built in vUVM, and support for smaller installations.


When you upgrade from Release 4 to Release 5 vUCP there are 2 choices.


  1. Upgrade in place, as you would normally perform a minor upgrade.
  2. Backup the vUCP DB and upload the daabase to a new vUCP 5 image.

Upgrading in Place

You can upload the kernel, and then application to upgrade an existing vUCP 4 to vUCP 5, subject to normal licensing constraints.


When you upgrade in this way, you cannot use the built-in vVOIM or the buily-in vUVM. These will be disabled in Program 100.


If your configuration meets the limitations of smaller vUCP install (less than 600 ports etc.), you may reduce the memory size of the Virtual Machine to 1GB.


Uploading a 4.0 vUCP DB on to a vUCP Virual Machine.

If you wish to have access to the built-in vVOIM and vUVM, you can backup the existing vUCP database, and add this to a vUCP 5 Virtual Machine.


When you do this, the Serial Number of the new Virtual Machine will become invalid and will need to be re-generated. You will need to contact Pragma Orders, and request the licenses are transferred from the old (Unified 4) Serial Number to the new (Unified 5) Serial Number.


After the above steps have been performed, you can remove any external vVOIM and vUVM from Program 103, and enable the built-in vVOIM and vUMV, to reduce the number of Virtual MAchines required.






















Simon Smith

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Pragma – Unified Technology


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