Document name UCP -Unabled to change the CODEC for version 2.2.24 Author  Jessica Portugal Publish Date 23/08/2018 Version 1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 23/08/2018 Jessica Portugal 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the required information on how to change the CODEC for SIP lines for the VOIU SW channels.


Note this is for version 2.2.24.



UCP – Unable to change the CODEC for version 2.2.24




If you are having problems when changing the CODEC on PGM 133 – SIP CO Attributes, there is a way to change it.


Note this is for version 2.2.24.


Go to PGM 133 and for yor SW channels, go to External CODEC Priority Configuration and set priority 2 onwards to None and set priority 1 to G729 and Save.



That will revert the CODEC first priority to G711U



Now set first priority to G711A as required and Save.