Document name UCP/EMG80 – Unblocking CO Lines Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 26/09/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 26/09/2018 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to clear blocked lines.





CO Line Flexible keys flash on the Attendant station



The iPECS UCP or EMG80 system can detect the physical connection of an Analogue CO Line to the LGCM.


If the Analogue CO Line is disconnected, the system automatically changes the state to out of service so the line cannot be accessed.


At the Attendant station the relevant flexible CO Line keys will flash showing that the line is out of service.


In web admin programming the lines will be shown as “Blocked” and not Idle, when viewing the S/W Upgrade tab.


To unblock the CO Lines for use.


From the Attendant station

Dial Trans/PGM 072  (Isolate CO Fault)

Then press the flashing CO line key to unblock the CO Line.


By pressing the CO Line key, this acts as a toggle – placing the line In and Out of Service.