Document name UCP/eMG80 – Restrict CLI
Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date 09/10/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 09/10/2018 Jess Portugal 1st draft 1.0 19/01/2021 Anita Robson 2nd draft 1.1



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to restrict the CLI.



  UCP/eMG80 – Restrict CLI



To restrict the CLI permanently, you should set CLIR Service to ON




If you want to restrict the CLI on demand, you can set a flex button in PGM115.


You need to set Programming (PGM Code) and input 81, as in the picture bellow:






Saving it will populate as the following and you can set a label to display in the handsets, in this case “CLIR”.





If you want to set a flex key from the hand set, you should press [TRANSF] + an unused flex key + [TRANSF] + 81 + Hold/Save.


When using SIP Trunks the following must be changed in Pgm 133 for all channels used. Set to Privacy: id & Anonymous & P-Preferred-ID




Many thanks,


Jess Portugal

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