Document name UCP/eMG80 – Linked Station Pair Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 12/10/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 12/10/2018 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History



 This document is intended to provide the reader with the required information to set up a Linked Station Pair.


A station can be logically linked to a primary station so that the two stations function as a single station.  When linked, the two stations effectively act as a single station with the station attributes of the primary station. The status of one station is reflected in the status of the other and features activated at one are active at the other. All internal or external calls to a linked pair station will ring both stations.   


All features available to the primary station are available and controllable by the secondary station, one station may activate Call Forward and the other may cancel the forward for example. The displays of the linked stations will display the status of the linked pair.  When one is busy, the display of the linked station will be as shown below.










Enter MAC Address of the Secondary phone against the extension that is going to be the Primary phone and the system Router IP address. 


The secondary phone must not be registered prior to this programming, if necessary, you would need to delete the secondary extension number in PGM 101.