1. Version Information
2. Document Purpose & History
This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to reset the password on IPCR – v2.2 or earlier
Resetting IPCR Password in v2.2 or earlier
If you don’t have the password for IPCR you can reset it by following one of the below steps:
Method 1:
Connect to the IPCR server and input command as below:
If the password is still not recovered with above command, please follow the below steps:
Method 2:
echo ‘*:*:*:*:postgres012’ >> ~postgres/.pgpass
/bin/chown postgres.postgres ~postgres/.pgpass
/bin/chmod 0600 ~postgres/.pgpass
if ls -al /usr/bin | grep psql
su – postgres -c “/usr/bin/psql -c “update rs_ruser_info set r_password=’admin’ where r_user_id=’admin'” postgres -d recsee”
su – postgres -c “/usr/bin/psql -c “update rs_auser_info set r_user_pass=’admin’ where r_user_id=’admin'” postgres -d recsee”s -d recsee”
elif ls -al /usr/local/pgsql/bin | grep psql
su – postgres -c “/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -c “update rs_ruser_info set r_password=’admin’ where r_user_id=’admin'” postgres -d recsee”
su – postgres -c “/usr/local/pgsql/bin/psql -c “update rs_auser_info set r_user_pass=’admin’ where r_user_id=’admin'” postgre
su – postgres -c “/bin/psql -c “update rs_ruser_info set r_password=’admin’ where r_user_id=’admin'” postgres -d recsee”
su – postgres -c “/bin/psql -c “update rs_auser_info set r_user_pass=’admin’ where r_user_id=’admin'” postgres -d recsee”
/bin/rm -f ~postgres/.pgpass
The postgres password is either postgres or postgres012.
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