Document name LCR – Least Cost Routing Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 18/09/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 18//09/2018 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to set up LCR – Least Cost Routing


LCR – Least Cost Routing


This example shows standard LCR, we show how to route calls starting 0 to one carrier and local calls to another, you can use the same carrier code to route to the same carrier if required.


PGM 220




LCR Access Mode = Loop & Direct CO. (Turn on LCR for all lines).  This step is best to do last so that programming doesn’t interfere with outgoing calls.


PGM 221




In the LDT (Leading Digit Table) we select the first index 1.  This contains Indexes/bins for each dialling option you want to compare.  So, index/bin 0 will compare the digit 0 and indexes/bins 1-7 will compare digits 2-8 for local calls.


LDT Table Index 1:


Index 0


Type – COL (choose when digits will be compared, so INT for internal, COL for Outgoing calls or Both for both internal and outgoing)
Compare Digits = 0 (when 0 is dialled, it will look to see which DMT table to look at to route the call)
DMT 1,2,3 = 000000 (This has to be 6 digits as it relates to the 3 available time zones.  Each 2 digits = one zone.   Normally you would enter them all the same so in this example it is going to look at DMT 00 for each zone)


Index 1

LCR Type – COL (outgoing only)
Compare Digits = 2 (any number starting 2 will be compared)
DMT 1,2,3 = 010101 (will be routed to DMT 01 for all zones)


Index 2

LCR Type = COL (outgoing only)
Compared Digits = 3 (any number starting 3 will be compared)
DMT 1,2,3 = 010101 (will be routed to DMT 01 for all zones)


Continue in this manner until you have an index/bin for each digit 2-8


PGM 222



We now need to set up the DMT tables used in PGM 221 to reflect what we need to happen to the calls.


DMT Index 00

Add digits = Carrier Code


DMT Index 01

Add Digits = Carrier code + local STD Code

Leave other entries default, unless you are using a different CO/IP Group than 1.


This process will make the system route all numbers starting with 0 to DMT index 00 and numbers starting with 2-8 to DMT 01, which in PGM 222 is programmed to insert the local STD code into the string.


Note: Switching on LCR will stop line dial tone and give system tone for line access, which can sometimes confuse the end user as they are expecting to hear a BT style dial tone after pressing 9.