Document Name iPECS UCP – MSN key to send specific CLI with SIP lines Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date 23/04/2019 Version 1.0


1. Version Information 


Date Author  Update Information Version 23/04/2019 Jess Portugal 1st Draft 1.0

2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the required steps for setting up MSN keys to send specific CLI on the iPECS UCP with SIP lines.




iPECS UCP – MSN key to send specific CLI with SIP line



Depending of your programming in PGM151 – CID/CPN Attributes, what you set in PGM202 – MSN Table will change.



If in PGM151 you have the following set:


CLIP Table Index: Station CLI

Incoming Prefix: ON

Outgoing Prefix: OFF

My Area Prefix Code 0


In PGM 202 you need to set:


Index of Flexible DID Table:  last 3 digits (or as defined in the DID service table for the SIP trunks) to route the inbound DID

Called Telephone Number: the CLI you wish to send out without the 0 (since it is inserted in PGM151)



After that you can set in PGM115 – Flexible Buttons as Loop and the number without the 0



You will then have a flex key named MSN:1903927100 and when pressing it you get a line to dial out sending that CLI.



Please note many SIP providers limit the outgoing CLI to CLIs associated with the SIP account. You will need to confirm what is allowed with your SIP service provider.