Document name iPECS UCP – GDC-Dect Setup Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 18/06/2019 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 18/06/2019 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how to set up a GDC-Dect handset



iPECS UCP – GDC Dect-Setup





  • WTIB / WTIM module / card
  • GDC 600BE Bases units which connect to the module / card. Each base give 6 speech channels.
  • Finally your handsets – GDC-480/500H

On the Phone Systems

  1. Ensure you have a station assigned in PGM 105 which is free and unused by any other device.
  2. On your system, go to DECT Data
  3. Select DECT Registration
  4. Enter the PARK Code found on your WTIM / WTIB module.
  5. Enter ACC Code of 12345
  6. Next to DECT Subscribe, select the handset you wish to register and entered the free desired station number to associate with the handset.
  7. The system will not go into registration mode if the station number you are using is correct and unused by another device.

On the GDC handset

  1. Select Phone Register
  2. Select Subscription
  3. Select Base 1
  4. After a pause and as long as the PBX is still in registration mode, you should see the PARK ID entered earlier. Select this
  5. Enter 12345 for the acc code.
  6. The handset will now register onto the system.