Document name iPECS UCP – Call Log Duration Author  Jack Deegan Publish Date 29/10/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 22/10/2018 Jack Deegan 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to view your call duration from your call log on your iPECS handset.


Call Log Duration Display


If you would like to view the duration of calls from your iPECS handset you will need to enable to following settings. Please note that this feature is not supported on all iPECS handsets and systems. 


Firstly you will need to go to PGM113 “CLI Attributes” on the web admin. Once you are within “CLI Attributes” navigate down to “Call Log Attributes” and select the first option, this will be “Call Log Usage”. By default this option will be set to “System Serve”, you will need to change this option to “Phone self”.


After you have set this, perform a call for a few seconds on the extension you have enabled this for. After you have finished the call select log on your handset, you will now see the calls made and received. Select the call you have just made, additional information will be displayed and you will now see the duration of the call you have just made in brackets. Please note however that you will only see the duration from the handset that made the call.