Document name iPECS UCP – Auto Attendant Not Recognising Digit 5   Author  Jack Deegan  Publish Date 24/09/2018 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 24/09/2018 Jack Deegan  1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on resolving the issue with digit 5 not being recognised on the auto attendant.



iPECS UCP – Digit 5 Not Recognised on AA





If you are encountering an issue where the system is not picking up the number 5 within an auto attendant, please follow the below steps.



1) Navigate to PGM 133 (SIP CO Attributes)



2) Once you are within PGM 133 you will need to change the DTMF type to 2833.



3) After making the above change the system should now recognise the number. 

Kind Regards,


Jack Deegan

Tech Support

Pragma – Unified Technology


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