Document name iPECS One (VERSION 3) – Microsoft Contacts Import Author  Ethan Hart-Coombes Publish Date 19/01/2023 Version  1.0 Reference  


1. Version Information 


Date Author Update Information  Version 19/01/2023 Ethan Hart-Coombes 1st draft 1.0        



2. Document Purpose & History

With the introduction of iPECS One version 3.0, users can now import Microsoft contacts. This KB details the steps for doing this.

iPECS One (VERSION 3) – Microsoft Contacts Import

  1. Log in to iPECS One

  2. Within the iPECS One settings, navigate to “Import Contacts” and click “Import”.

  3. A pop-up window will appear, prompting you to log in to a Microsoft account. (Please note – this requires you to log in with administrator credentials)

  4. You will be prompted to accept the requested information. Tick the tickbox to allow this for your entire Office 365 tenant, this will save you having to approve this on a user-by-user basis.

  5. You will then be able to select the contacts (either some or all of the existing Microsoft contacts) to import. Once they are selected, click “Import”.

  6. The contacts will now show in your personal directory within iPECS One.