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2. Document Purpose & History
This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how to migrate users from UCE to iPECS One .
iPECS One – Migrating users from UCE to iPECS One Single Client
Before starting the migration process, a sync must be done. To do this, within the iPECS One Number Sync menu in the customer manager portal click the ‘Apply all information to iPECS One’ button. This ensures all existing extension information is pre-configured for iPECS One users for this customer.
The feature comparison between iPECS One and UCE can be found here – Ticket 31167
If you have an existing iPECS UCE user and you would like to change this user to use iPECS One instead you are able to change the license type on the user without losing any configuration.
Step 1:
Find the user in User Setup, Modify and click change in the Device tab
Step 2:
Choose iPECS One from the dropdown then click save, then ok.
The new device type will show as iPECS One and the process is complete. This user can now login to iPECS One.
Please remember to return the UCE license once done by following the below instructions:
Reseller: Within the Cloud Portal navigate to Customer > Modify Existing Customer > Change Order
Return ALL UCE user licenses.
Note: Failure to return all UCE licenses will result in the customer being billed for both UCE and iPECS ONE. To prevent any overlap of billing, UCE will need to be removed the same day as iPECS ONE is added.
If you are using CRM integration, you don’t need to do anything other than the migration. You do need to make sure you are running the latest CRM integration s/w which you can get from Knowledgebase section under resource centre.
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