Document name IPECS ONE – Checking Functionality on Mobile Network Author  Ethan Hart-Coombes Publish Date 11/03/22 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 


Date Author Update Information  Version 11/03/22 Ethan Hart-Coombes   1.0                


This document is intended to provide the reader with information on testing IPECS ONE on mobile network in order to discount local network issues.


iPECS ONE – Checking Functionality on Mobile Network


When troubleshooting IPECS ONE connectivity and voice issues, it is useful to figure out where the issue lies. Before a ticket is logged with the technical team, you must ensure the issue is not down to a fault in the customer’s network.


  1. On the customer’s device, disconnect from the customer network.
  2. If the customer is using IPECS ONE mobile, disable the device’s WiFi, and allow the device to connect to Mobile Network. If the customer is using IPECS ONE on the web client, connect via WiFi to either a Mobile Hotspot (while the mobile is connected to Mobile Network) or a 4G router.
  3. Perform tests on IPECS ONE to recreate the original fault. If the issue persists, it is likely not caused by a fault on the customer network.
  4. If the issue cannot be replicated outside the customer network, the issue is most likely caused by a fault on the customer network.