Document name How to setup Hot Desk on iPECS-LIK Author Simon Colley Published Date 28-04-2014 Version 1.1 Reference 8120333



1. Version Information 


Date Author  Update Information Version 28-04-2014 Simon Colley First draft 1.0 30-1-2018 Mark Jones Second draft 1.1        




2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the required setup steps for setup of Hot Desk on iPECS-LIK. 



How to setup Hot Desk on iPECS-LIK


How to setup hot-desking on iPECS-LIK
Firstly, decide which live stations are going to be hot desk terminals. Once
this is activated the terminals will be dummy terminals, awaiting a hot desk
user to login. Once you have confirmed this, set the required stations to
become hotdesk.

Programming to turn station into hotdesk terminal
Program 111-113 – Option 30 – Set Hot Desk Station to On.
Program 115 – Setup a login key for the station via web – PGM Code – *0
To set a key via a key set Trans/PGM > Flex key > Trans/PGM > *0 >



Allocate Hot Desk Users
Now you need to tell the iPECS how many hotdesk agents are going to be
able to login to the system. These will be what is allocated to each person for
their use

Programming hotdesk allocations
Program 250 – Hot Desk Attributes – Number of agents – set this to reflect
the number required.
The last port will be used on the system working backwards.
Auto Logout – How many hours you would like to count before a logged in
hotdesk station will auto logout (0 – off, in hours).




To finish, program the new hotdesk stations with required flex keys, forward
options and don’t forget to allocate these stations some secure Authorization
Codes in PGM 227, they will need these to login and access voicemail features.
To log a station into a dummy terminal – Trans/PGM *0 > Station Number > Auth
To log the station out after use Trans / PGM ** on the handset.