Document name iPECS Cloud – How to create voicemail schedules Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date 04/12/2018 Version  1.1



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 04/12/2018 Jess Portugal 1st draft 1.0 20/12/2018 Jess Portugal 2nd draft 1.1




2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how to create voicemail schedules.




iPECS Cloud – How to create voicemail schedules



You will need to create a Service Number for the Voicemail Service.


After assigning a number to it, you should go to Company Schedule and Add:




You can then assign a default VM greeting to be played Monday to Sunday, at anytime.


Leaving the Holiday option unticked, you can then assign a different VM greetings for holidays.




Under the Holiday option at the top, you can then add multiple holiday dates.







And going back to the schedule, you can add a new greeting for the holidays set before.



If you need different greetings for different holidays, you would have to change it manually in the greeting option.


The same principal can be used if you wish to play a different VM greeting on a different day of the week, or  a different time of the day.


If the user have a recorded VM greeting, it will overright this holiday greeting set there.