Document name iPECS Cloud – Handset Provisioning  for 9000 series and 1000i 
Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date5 04/05/2023 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 04/05/2023 Jess Portugal 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the steps to provisioning the 9000 and 1000i series phones for iPECS Cloud.





iPECS Cloud – Handset Provisioning for 9000 series and 1000i



If the handset is not configured and you have in the screen Set (*) Restart (#) then you should press * once it has failed to connect to a system.


To get to this screen you can press the transfer key.

•You will then need to enter the password 147*


Next, we need to choose the profile that we will be amending.


After this, you will need to edit the settings below. You can use Hold or Save to save.


Network Configuration

•Network Mode – DHCP


System Configuration

•Call Server – This is the customer’s LIP registration IP address. Check the correct IP address on the Reseller Portal > Customer Info > Phone setting info (use * as a dot and DND to erase the previous key, if needed)
•Connection Mode – Remote (Unless using LCM, in this case, it will be Local Remote to make sure that you do not have audio issues). 


Then reboot your phone. You can press the speaker to reboot.