Document name iPECS Cloud – Cannot create extension numbers that conflict with tenant prefix Author  Mark Jones Publish Date 21/11/2022 Version  1



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 21//11/2022 Mark Jones 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the information about the problem of not being able to create extension numbers that conflict with tenant prefix on the iPECS Cloud.



Cannot create x691. Error code SC119.



The ’69’ or ’68’ is tenant prefix number and this can’t be used for extension number. For example the extension number may be 1000, but the internal source includes tenant prefix as like 69×1000. If you use 691, this conflicts with the tenant prefix and we can’t distinguish which extension number belongs to which tenant. Therefore, you can’t use the extension number which started by tenant prefix (69).