Document name iPECS Cloud – Adding multiple time schedules Author  Josh Aldridge Publish Date 31/03/2016 Version  1.1 Reference 8128490



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 31/03/2016 Josh Aldridge 1st draft 1.0 31/01/2018 Josh Aldridge 2nd draft 1.1        



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how to add multiple time schedules on the iPECS Cloud.



iPECS Cloud – Adding multiple time schedules



You can add multiple time schedules to your customers system. To do this, in your customers portal go to the time schedule option under the company drop down and click add. From here you can enter the schedule name and whether you want it to be the system default schedule. Below you can choose the day start, night start and which days this will cover. You can also set up the schedule for holidays under the holiday option tab. Remember to click save after entering your desired times.