Document Name iPECS Attendant Errors  Author  Andrew Cleveland Publish Date 26/02/2015 Version 1.1 Reference  8122846


1. Version Information 


Date Author  Update Information Version 26/02/2015 Andrew Cleveland 1st Draft 1.0 23/01/2018 Jack Deegan 2nd Draft  1.1 14/04/2022 Simon Smith 3rd Draft 1.1 (Tags)

2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the required setup steps for enabling call 


iPECS Attendant Errors 

If The IP Attendant Initialise window produces:


         –  Login..UCTI Fail > you are using the special admin access

                                      > The account ID and Password are OK, but the Account’s PBX ID & PBX Pswd are not correct

                                      > The iPECS system does not have the IP Attendant License/s required (the 90 day demo license includes IP ATTENDANT)

                                      > In a PC, user should not run IP Attendant, Phontage, UCS, Click Call program at the same time. Because, these application uses same UCTI driver.


         –   Login… DB Fail à The account credentials (User ID & Password) are not correct

         –   Getting Station Information .. Login Fail > Credentials are OK, but PBX ID etc are for a station that is not ATD

         –   Login… UCTI Video Fail > It might be caused from WinPcap version.

                                             If you see this error message, install WinPcap.exe again.

                                             In C:Program FilesiPECS AttendantDrivers, WinPcap_4_1_1.exe is driver file.


If you get Login…DB Fail then you can try the default admin / 1111.

If that does not work, and you can’t login, uninstall IP ATTENDANT (check – ‘delete data files?’), and reinstall, using the default ‘admin / 1111’ settings to access the program (as above).