Document name IP DECT – Setup Central Directory on iPECS Cloud Author  Mark Jones Publish Date 16/03/2021 Version  1.1

1. Version Information 


Date Author Update Information  Version 16/03/21 Mark Jones Initial


08/12/21 Ethan Hart-Coombes Updated wording


04/10/22 Mark Jones Wording update for ID and password



2. Document Purpose & History


This document describes the steps to setup the central directory on IP DECT on iPECS Cloud


IP DECT – Setup Central Directory on iPECS Cloud 


  1. On the base station, under “Central Directory”, in the “Server” section, enter the iPECS LIP Phone Registration IP Address (found on the reseller portal, under “Customer Info” > “Phone Setting Info”) and the port number shown in the below screenshot (7878).


  2. Reseller portal IP address information example:


  3. Enter the Open API ID found in the “User setup” section on the customer portal in the extension XSI username.

  4. Enter the Open API ID password found in the User setup in the extension XSI password.




  5. On the GDC800H or 110dB you can now access the Central Directory and search the company directory