Document Name 130db IP DECT – Minimum requirement and GDC800 comparison Author Jess Portugal Publish Date 11/09/2019 Version 1.0 Reference  


1. Version Information 


Date Author Update Information Version 11/09/2019 Jess Portugal 1st Draft 1.0


2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the required steps on the minimum requirement and GDC800 comparison for 130db IP DECT.




IP DECT – Minimum requirement for 130db and GDC800 comparison  

The 130db IP DECT base station is now available and replaces the the GDC-800Bi version.

 See below table for a comparison to the GDC800Bi:  




In addition to the 130db IP DECT base station, we also now have the 110dh IP DECT handset. 





PLEASE NOTE: If you are adding the new IP DECT elements to an existing site, that site will need to be running on a MINIMUM of Unified 3.5 software. 

Please click here for Unified System Software downloads.





Many thanks,


Jess Portugal

Tech support

Pragma – Unified Technology


 t: 01903 927101 e: w:

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