Document name ICALL Specifications Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 12/11/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 12/11/2018 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0 07/10/2019 Jess 2nd draft 1.1



2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the specification requirements for ICALL


ICALL Specifications



Software Requirement :

• Supported Operating Systems: Windows Server 2008, Windows Server 2012, Windows 7, Windows 8 and Windows 8.1, Windows 10.

• For Windows 8 and above, driver signature enforcement needs to be disabled.
32-Bit or 64-Bit Systems.

• Computer with Intel or compatible 2.2GHz or faster processor (Intel@ Core i3-2120 Processor 3M Cache, 3.30 GHz or faster is recommended.)

Virtual machines and server 2012 are not supported for call recording.
The Call Management software is not supported on IA64 systems (

We require the following to be pre-installed:

• Dot Net framework 4.5 or above.
• Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 or a later version
• Windows Powershell

Hardware Requirements:

• Minimum of 2GB of Ram (4GB is recommended)
• 20GB of free hard disk space (for call recordings you will need minimum 250GB free space on the C: drive for storing calls)
• 1 USB port is available per voice recording device (excluding SIP)
• Internet access available from computer

32-Bit Systems –
Computer with Intel or compatible 2.2GHz or faster processor
(Intel® Core i3-2120 Processor 3M Cache, 3.30 GHz or faster
is recommended.)

64-Bit Systems –
Computer with Intel or compatible 2.2GHz or faster processor
(Intel® Core i3-2120 Processor 3M Cache, 3.30 GHz or faster
is recommended.)

For on-site installations only:

• Administrators account available for use by installer
• LAN connection to same network as the PBX