Document name iCall Server Specifications Author  Jack Deegan Publish Date 12/11/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 12/11/2018 Jack Deegan 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the required specifications for the iCall server using reporting and call recording.


iCall Server Specifications



Supported Operating Systems:

Windows Server 2003 Service Pack 2, Windows Server 2008, Windows Vista, Windows Vista Service Pack 1, Windows XP
Service Pack 3, Windows 7, Windows 10.

32-Bit Systems –
Computer with Intel or compatible 2.2GHz or faster processor
(Intel® Core i3-2120 Processor 3M Cache, 3.30 GHz or faster
is recommended.)

64-Bit Systems –
Computer with Intel or compatible 2.2GHz or faster processor
(Intel® Core i3-2120 Processor 3M Cache, 3.30 GHz or faster
is recommended.)

Samsung CMS is not supported on IA64 systems (
Samsung CMS requires the following to be pre-installed:

• Dot Net framework 3.5 & 4
• Microsoft Windows Installer 4.5 or a later version
• Windows Powershell

Hardware Requirements:

• Minimum of 2GB of RAM (4 GB is recommended)
• 12GB of free hard disk space (for call recordings you will need 250GB free space on the C drive for storing calls)
• 1 USB port is available per voice recording device (excluding SIP)
• Administrators account available for use by installer
• LAN connection to same network as the PBX.
• Internet access available from computer