Document name How to upgrade a module  Author  Andy Aston Publish Date 14/09/2021 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 14/09/2021 Andy Aston 1st Draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on upgrading a Module directly, not connected to system 



How to Upgrade a Module Directly 




First you will need to login to login to the Module with the default IP address. You will need to find the default address by connecting your laptop directly to the Module. Set your laptop to then run an IP address scan. The scan will identify the IP address of your Module. You can download Angry IP Scanner to achieve this. The default password for a module is ipkts.


Once Logged into the Module you should see your current software level




Click on Upload then select your software which is available here 

Click Start HTTP Upload



The Module will then say Upload Success and you will then need to click reset




Click Home to check updated Software Version




The upgrade is now complete