Document name EMG80 – IP Devices Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 14/09/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 14/09/2018 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0 05/03/2020  Anita Robson  2nd draft 


01/06/20 Andy Aston  



2. Document Purpose & History



  1. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the information on IP devices on an EMG80




In the System overview of an EMG80, it shows that you are able to have 32 IP devices, even though it only has the capacity for 16 VOIP channels.






It is possible to install 32 devices but, they are restricted as per the points below:


  1. You only have up to 16 VOIP channels to play with
  2. LIP handset to SIP trunk takes 2 VOIP channels
  3. Digital or SLT handset to LIP handset takes a VOIP channel
  4. Digital or SLT to SIP trunk takes a VOIP channel
  5. LIP to LIP handset, does NOT take a VOIP channel


So, you can install 32 but you will not be able to use all of them at the same time.