Document name EMG80 – Changing the American Prompts Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 26/09/2018 Version  1.1



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 26/09/2018 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0 19/02/2019 Jess Portugal 2nd draft 1.1 01/06/2020 Andy Aston    



2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to change the default American prompts on an EMG80.



EMG80 – Changing the American prompts



The system default uses Prompt number 1 (PGM 127) this prompt is the US / American prompt system.  Most customer don’t like this as it refers to the “pound” key as well as other slight differences.  We do not recommend changing the Prompt selection in PGM 127, leave this in its original setting.


We recommend removing all the prompts listed in the system (unless you need to use any of the other language prompts on the site you are using).


Attached to this solution is the latest language prompt for standard English used across the iPECS range of systems.


Login to your system web admin and click Maintenance > VSF Prompt Upload > Prompt Upload / Delete so see the screen below:






Upload the attached prompt file into the First position on this page and delete all other prompts if not required.


You will then be able to record OGM messages correctly and all interactions with the system will experience the standard English prompt system.