Cloud Signalling Issues

iPECS Cloud troubleshooting and how to correctly report the issue:

Signalling Issues:

Problem description below – LIP phone not ringing or unable to stop ringing intermittently


Problem Description:

  • Intermittently, LIP phone does not ringing but it can answer the call.
  • Intermittently, LIP phone does ringing & can answer, but there is no audio.
  • Intermittently, LIP phone is disconnected (rebooted) repeatedly.
  • On IP DECT or 3rd Party SIP phone with UDP protocol, have the same issue.


Point to check before opening a ticket:

  1. ) Check if this issue happens via packet loss between the Cloud and Customer site.
  2. ) Check UDP idle timeout: Time for maintaining UDP IP/Port mapping table between Private IP & Public IP.
  3. ) Check customer network firewall if required ports are open. Verify if this is LIP, IP DECT, or 3rd Party SIP phone with UDP protocol?
  4. ) Does it happen intermittently? Does it happen on both external and internal call?
  5. ) Does it happen for certain phones or all phones at the same site?


When opening a support ticket – Action to be taken: 


  1. ) Include the information verified in the above Check Point list
  2. ) Packet trace (UDP port 5588) at IPKTS server of both WAN and LAN side and customer firewall.
  3. ) Pragma Support needs to run a UCM trace (15, 30, 4700) to verify if IPKTS command is missing or not.