Document name iPECS Cloud – iPECS2Teams cloud portal user setup  Author  Josh Aldridge Publish Date 22/12/2020 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 22/12/2020 Josh Aldridge 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary information to setup a Microsoft Teams user as an extension on the iPECS Cloud platform.



iPECS Cloud – iPECS2Teams cloud portal user setup



Firstly you will need to create a user on the cloud portal. Do this within the User dropdown then User Setup.


The iPECS2Teams integration can be used as a standalone single client user, or paired with a deskphone as a multi client user.




If this is a single client setup, select MS Teams Connect from the dropdown and set the auth id and password. The system will then generate the correct auth ID. Enter this into the authentication ID box.




If this is a multi client setup, select your LIP phone device type and mac address. Then choose MS Teams connect from the dropdown and set the auth id and password. The system will then generate the correct auth ID. Enter this into the authentication ID box 




Enter the automatically generated User ID into the Authentication ID box and save. This is the authentication ID and password that is used during the provisioning process on the Call2Teams portal.