1. Version Information
2. Document Purpose & History
This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary information to troubleshoot and support Call Connect GP software.
Call Connect GP User Software – Support Guide and FAQ’s
There are three components to the Call Connect GP User Software installed on individual PC’s.
- Computer Telephony Integration (CTI) Software – This is the local software on the PC that monitors and controls the local telephone handset to the PC – for IPECS Cloud this is a browser based solution called IPECS ONE. This element of the solution monitors inbound call activity of the extension facilitates a screen pop passing over the Caller ID (number) and outbound click to dial.
- Clipdial – This is the CCGP component that facilitates click to dial from the clinical system and anywhere else on the PC. Allows selection of a number from Patient Record, Appointment Slot or anywhere else on the PC including emails, websites etc and initiates dialling from the associated telephone/softphone removing unwanted characters/spaces.
- CCGP Dashboard and additional functionality including the Practice Wide Directory. This links back to the SQL database that resides on the Practice PC designated as the CCGP “server PC”. For inbound calls this matches to the CLI of the caller and shows an intelligent Patient or Non Patient match for known numbers and a prompt to capture new numbers accurately. For a Patient the Dashboard has a button that selects that patient in the Clinical System. The dashboard also powers the Practice Wide Address Book/CRM.
If all the components do not load correctly or there is another issue then it is important to note that if CCGP is “not working” then in no way does it affect the telephone system, answering calls normally, searching for patients manually or calling manually.
Please see some additional support information below:
Software Loading On Logging Into Windows
IPECS ONE can be manually launched from your Chrome browser (as a favourite) or configured to automatically launch when you launch your browser much like any web page. When first logging into the CTI software this needs to be configured with the username and password that relates to the telephone extension being used and depending on whether you are a call hander, the CRM Licence Added and CRM Screen Pop ticked and configured for CCGP integration. (see IPECS One Troubleshooting)
A Shortcut should exist to launch Clipdial automatically when a user logs into windows – Clipdial exists as a Tray Icon bottom right of the desktop –
The above will have been completed as part of the install – potential issues are as follows:
Q/ IPECS ONE is not configured in my browser
A/ See the CCGP training folder in the shared drive for general information – Contact your telephone system maintainer who will be able to provide you with usernames and passwords
Q/ I cannot see a Clipdial icon when I log on
A/ Check initially the icon is not hidden, press the up chevron icon to show hidden icons and if applicable drag the Clipdial icon onto the tray display – windows will remember this and show the icon.
A/ if it is not hidden check that a shortcut (to C:espLaunchclip.exe) exists in the start-up folder for all users – from a Windows Run command (Windows Key + R) type Shell:Common Startup – there are two ways to create the shortcut – preferably from C:ESP run Shortcutsetup.exe (needs local admin rights) or drag C:espLaunchlip.exe to the Start-up Folder as a SHORTCUT
If you need to run Shortcutsetup and you are not logged in as Admin then you can hold SHIFT, Right Mouse Click and Run As A Different User. IT or someone with an Admin username and password can then run the program with the need to log for them to log on/off onto the computer
Shortcutsetup.exe will also create a Desktop Shortcut to the CCGP Directory in the Common Desktop folder.
Q/ I use Clipdial to dial a number but this doesn’t place a call?
A/ Check that the CTI Product (IPECS One in this case) is logged in correctly (with the right username and password) and has the appropriate integration licence applied – see IPECS One Troubleshooting
CCGP Dashboard Screen Pop
The CCGP Dashboard is powered by a series of apps that live in a local folder on your PC – in C:ESP.
Encrypted site-specific configuration files accompany theses apps, which can then be further amended according to the type of user (main call hander, back office or clinician).
These are typically copied over from a set of master files in the CCGP folder on the Practice Shared Drive. This means to re-install or to upgrade/add new functionality is as simple as copying files (no admin rights) and this takes a matter of minutes.
If you are a main call handler and once you have had training, the IPECS One client will be configured to use “CRM pop” and this will offer the user the ability to launch the CCGP dashboard when answering a call.
Please see the Basic Training Documentation – this is in the CCGP folder on your shared drive or also locally on the PC in C:ESPTraining.
Q IPECS One software is logged in but I do not get a CCGP screen pop?
A/ Check you have the CCGP files (so you have a C:esp folder full of files)
A/ Check that the call you have answered is not from a withheld number (No CLI) – if there is no number CCGP will not launch
A/ Check the CTI Product (IPECS One in this case) has the appropriate CRM licence applied and Metier Call Connect GP has been selected as the chosen CRM Integration.(see IPECS One troubleshooting)
A/ After a delay of around 15 secs do you get an error message about a problem with the SQL Database? If so check the Practice PC designated as the CCGP main controller PC is switched on.
If the above information does not answer the problem then please log a call with Metier for support.
Q/ I click on EMIS or S1 on the Dashboard but the patient is not selected in the clinical system
A/ Make sure you are logged into your clinical System – it is not locked/asleep
A/ If EMIS, ensure you are not logged into your EMIS instance more than once – if multiple instances of the same EMIS the software does not know which one to control so does nothing
A/ If you are logged into a second EMIS or S1 (same or another practice) then the CCGP Dashboard needs to be configured to expect this setup – please contact Metier for support
A/ Does your Emis or S1 run very slowly, the patient selection fails? CCGP has the ability to slow the Patient Selection to give time for the PC/Clinical System to react – please contact support for us to make this change.
Note – A unique feature of CCGP is that the registered Practice for the Patient is shown on the Dashboard and that Multiple Clinical System logins cab be supported if operating as a PCN or informal Call Centre or Hub (multiple clinical system launch buttons)
For more formal e-Hubs, Call Centres or more long term working where you are logging into multiple types of clinical system a more sophisticated intelligent screen pop can be provided – please contact Metier support to ask for more details.
Q/ The CCGP Dashboard is stating the call is from a new number, when searching for the Patient the new telephone number is already in their record?
A/ Check when the patient registered at the Practice, it is most likely that the Demographics export has not run recently – Please contact Metier for support. If this happens it will only be a small number of calls (relative to the total volume of calls)
If you require further support with Call Connect GP software please use the below contact information:
Email – support@metier.it
Phone number – 02038055720
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