Document name Athena HS-D1 – Athena headset – Not connecting and EHS LED is flashing red/blue lights Author  Jess Portugall Publish Date 21/09/2020 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 21/09/2020 Jess Portugal 1st Draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps when the headset is not connecting and the EHS LED is flashing red/blue light.




Athena headset – Not connecting and the EHS LED is flashing red/blue lights 



This could be cause if you are using the incorrect cable to connect the Athena headset.


In the EHS v3 box, you will find a black cable. That cable is not to be used with the Athena headset.




This picture is taken from the Setup Guide attached. 


The correct cable is within the Athena HS-D2 box and can be seen as item 3, below:





This picture is taken from the Setup Guide attached.  



 That is the correct cable to follow step 8:





This picture is taken from the Setup Guide attached.