Document name Analytics: Using Filters
Author  Simon Smith
Publish Date5 04/01/2021 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 20/12/2021 Simon Smith
1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History

This document explores filters in iPECS Analytics. Both Wallboard’s and Reports allow filters to be applied before the wallboard or report is rendered. Filters describe the calls that should be used to calculate the values used in the report or wallboard. 

Analytics: Using Filters

The filters that can be used vary by report or wallboard. The tables below summarise available filters by wallboard and report.

In general the extension wallboard and reports are the most flexible, with the most number of filters that can be combined. Unless you are tracking specific scenarios, which do not reach users of the system (for example group calls, or a special marketing campaign DDIs), you should use the extension report with the appropriate filters.
When you have a particular scenario you wish to look at, consider where you wish to observe the scenario from (external calls coming in, distribution by group or extension user), then use the table above to determine the report (or wallboard) that allows you to filter for just the calls of your scenario.
Most reports allow you to select a arbitrary time span (up to a months worth of data), with a restriction on times to match opening hours. The Time/Date reports, use special versions of the date filter to allow the right sort of time period to be selected. The report then tabulate the data into the time element for the report.
  • Hourly Report, select a day calls will be tabulated by hour.
  • Daily Report, select a month, calls will be tabulated by day of month.
  • Weekly Report, select a week of a month, calls will be tabulated by day of week.
  • Monthly Report, select a year, calls will be tabulated by month of year.









Simon Smith

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