Document name Analytics UK Area Codes
Author  Simon Smith
Publish Date5 14/12/2021 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 14/12/2021 Simon Smith
1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History

 This Spreadsheet attached to this KB can be used to add the geographical codes for the UK to a customer’s iPECS Analytics.

Analytics Area Codes

When you first login, Analytics is unable to run the Area Report under Customer Reports. You can upload the attached file to Analytics add the UK Geographical numbering plan to Analytics.

** Note: Using the process in this KB, will destroy any Area Codes already added to the customer’s Analytics !!
  1. In the left menu, navigate to Data Management, Area, Area Settings
  2. Press the upload icon  
  3. Find the “area_settings_uk_geo.xlsx” file on your computer, and press the button.

After successful upload, your Area table will be populated with the UK geographical numbering plan, and “07” “Mobile Services”.