Document name Analytics – Manual DB Re-synchronisation when Call Data/ User Data is Not Showing Author  Ethan Hart-Coombes Publish Date 09/02/2022 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 09/02/2022 Ethan Hart-Coombes 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


With Analytics, user and call data should refresh every few minutes. If user or call data does not show on any reports/ wallboards, or a refresh does not automatically occur, the below method can be used to re-synchronise the database manually.



Analytics – Manual DB Re-synchronisation when Call Data/ User Data is Not Showing 



  1. Under the “Settings” tab on the left hand side, click “Environment Setting”.

  2. On the below screen, click the “Synchronization Execute” button.

  3. The system will re-synchronise the database.