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This document is intended to provide the reader with the required for the issue: iPECS – Calls cutting off after a period of time
iPECS – Calls cutting off after a period of time
Calls cutting off after a period of time
Calls cut off after a period of time, this occurs regularly. It happens on any type of lines, analogue, SIP or ISDN.
This isn’t necessarily an issue with your PBX. It will depend on what kind of symptom we get when the problem occurs. Its always a good idea to collate as much information as possible when this is reported, so you can quickly get to the bottom of the problem. Some questions to consider:
– Do internal calls cut off?
– Do you hear an error tone or network message on PSTN lines?
– On SIP lines are we getting an error response on the screen of phones?
For PSTN lines, simple checks like swapping lines around so they are fed into different line ports on the system can help identify an issue. Does the problem stay at the port on the system or move with the swap? This can tell us whether the issue is hardware related (rare) or PSTN related.
On SIP lines are we seeing the Internet connection drop? Is this stable? Is the router shutting down the IP routes we are using? Check with the provider to see if they can see a problem before needing to attend site to trace with Wireshark.
Always collate as much information as possible before contacting support. ELG telephone systems do not have call restriction timers set in default to cause a call to drop – if a time is invoked it will always warn before a drop.
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