Document Name iPECS MFIM – Unable to connect via web admin – RC4 Cipher withdrawal of major browsers Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date 23/10/2018 Version 1.0 Reference   


1. Version Information 


Date Author  Update Information Version 24/10/2018 Jess Portugal 1st Draft 1.0

2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the required information on the issue: iPECS MFIM – Unable to connect via web admin




iPECS MFIM – Unable to connect via web admin – RC4 Cipher withdrawal of major browsers



The MFIM range of systems has as standard in UK format, a requirement to use HTTPS / TCP 443 secure connection method via web admin.


Recently, all the major browser providers have removed RC4 Cipher connectivity, so therefore the older MFIM systems are unable to be contacted via web admin as these still do require RC4 Cipher during the secure validation process.


There are some ways to get around this as follows:

  1. Use an old laptop / browser still containing RC4 Cipher technologies Windows XP
  2. Turn off the secure / TLS requirement via a programming phone (24 key / 30 key handset)
    a. TLS for web – PGM 160 flex key 22 – turn OFF
    b. web server port – PGM 161 – Flex 14 – set to a non port 443 i.e 80.
    c. Reboot system

Now access is granted from either step 1 or 2 you can upgrade to the latest MFIM software of F.1Do or higher and re-invoke your security (TLS / web server to port original port number) to allow connectivity without the RC4 Cipher requirement.


Please check and understand your network fully prior to following these steps, to ensure its not just a network issue stopping you from accessing the system in the usual way.



Alternatively, we had reports from customers using QT web browser for this. Note that we have not test this and we cannot advise on it.