Document name Analytics: Drilling Down to Call Details from Call Summary Reports
Author  Simon Smith
Publish Date5 20/12/2021 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 20/12/2021 Simon Smith
1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History

This document explains the interactive feature of the Call Summary Reports. This is the ability to open the corresponsing Call Detail Report, with an appropriate filter.

Drilling Down to a Call Details Report from Call Summary

When viewing a Call Summary Report in the web browser, Analytics offers an interactive feature to allow you to find the calls that have been aggregated into the row on the report table. These are displayed in the an appropriate Call Detail Report.

A user can use the summary report to find exceptions, and quickly drill into the Call Details Report to see why it happened. You can perform this on the following summary reports.
  • Site Summary Report opens Extension Call Details Report
  • Extension Summary Report opens an Extension Call Details Report
  • Customer Summary Report opens a Customer Call Detail Report
  • DDI Summary Report opens a DDI Call Details Report


The column are the items being reported on by the filter. The items are clickable and will open a Call Detail Report for the item within the date and time filter used  in the summary report filter.




In the above part of an Extension Summary Report, clicking on 108 will open the Extension Call Details Report for 108 for the appropriate date and time range.