Document name LIP 1080i Firmware Update
Author  Andy Aston Publish Date5 5/5/2021 Version  1.1 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 05/05/2021 Andy Aston 1st draft 1.0 08/03/2023 Jess Portugal 2nd draft 1.1



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to update the firmware on the 1080i



          1080i Firmware Update


The 1080i phone software can be updated from the USB stick in the USB host slot located on the phone’s rear side.


First download the 1080i software from our KB. You will receive a zipped file. Unzip the file and copy the 2 files within the folder (not the folder, just the 2 files) into an USB stick.


When a USB stick is inserted, the USB Update menu is changed to a selectable state. If the USB stick has a valid Version file and software image and the USB Update is selected, the upgrade progress dialog appears.





During the update procedure, do NOT unplug or remove the phone from the power source.

Please refer to attached guide for further information.