Known Issue
EMG80 Ghost Calls
Note: This KB remains to assist partners in diagnosing customer problems. The eMG80 product is now End Of Life, and we can no longer accept DOA requests for eMG80s, as outlined in the KB.
We have identified an issue with some EMG80’s Ghost Calling. The handset can go off hook by itself, call other extensions or pick up a line key.
This is due to a faulty transformer on the motherboard. The issue has been resolved and is fixed on any EMG80 with a serial number of 802xxx or later.
We have found that some of the Line/Extn cards could also have this issue and all faulty items are within a specific serial number range – please see below. This is only affecting a small number of units and we will only replace units that are experiencing the symptoms outlined above.
Affected Boards and Serial numbers:
S/N Range – 702TH – 801TH
If you are experiencing this issue, please contact Technical Support to DOA the unit.
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