Document Name Click to Call Setup Author Jess Portugal Publish Date 17/10/2018 Version 1.1 Reference  8102796



1. Version Information 


Date Author  Update Information Version 17/10/2018 Jess Portugal 1st Draft




2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with an explanation to enable Click to Call.


Click to Call Setup



First, in the UCP you need to set a Station Authorisation code in PGM227 – Station Authorisation Code Table – this will be input into the Click to Call settings.




In PGM 111 Common Attributes, for that extension set Click to Call Service to enable.




Now in the Click to Call Settings, you should set:


ID – extension number

PW – password from PGM 227


IP address will be the UCP IP address

Port 7878


CO 9

Nation 44


As in this picture bellow:





Click the advanced tab, you should leave the insert number blank and the minimum highlighted number as you wish, in this case 6.



Click the Special tab, you should set as follow:






On Click to Call version 2, you need to first enter CTRL + C to copy the number, then enter the command set in the settings (First Key + Second Key) to dial out.