Document name iPECS – I have multiple DDIs with same identical last three digits – how can we route these? Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date 10/12/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 10/12/2018 Jess Portugal 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to route multiple DDIs with same identical last three digits.



iPECS – I have multiple DDIs with same identical last three digits – how can we route these?  



If you have three identical DDIs, example: 480900, 450900 and 460900.


You only have one entry in the Flex DDI Table (PGM 231) so you would have to use MSN table for this.


In this example, you would set as:


PGM 202 – MSN table


Index 1
Leave both CO range blank
Index for flex DID table – use an unused index, 200 for example.
Called Telephone Number – 480900


Index 2
Leave both CO range blank
Index for Flex DID Table – 201
Called Telephone Number = 450900


Index 3
Leave both CO range blank
Index for Flex DID Table = 202
Called Telephone Number = 460900


As shown below:




PGM 231


Use indexes listed above to route the DDIs to the locations you require 200, 201, 202.