1. Version Information
2. Document Purpose & History
This document is intended to provide the reader with the required steps on how gain access back into the system when locked out.
Using a serial lead make sure the pins are set as 2-2, 3-3, 5-5. Connect the cable.
Connect the serial using the below connection details:
115200 – Baud rate
Data rate = 8bits
Parity = none
Stopbits = 1 bit
Flow control = none
If unsuccessful then check RS-232 Port settings (PGM 174) to make sure they have not been changed.
Login with the remote access password (if this is set)
At the next prompt type below password:
You will then see a command line with maint>
Enter acl stop as below:
Maint>acl stop
This will disable the ACL so you can log back into the system.
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