Document Name Removing ACL Settings when locked out of System Author Dean Tullett Publish Date 25/09/18 Version 1.0 Reference  


1. Version Information 


Date Author Update Information Version 21/09/2018 Dean Tullett 1st Draft 1.0 04/06/2020 Andy Aston    


2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the required steps on how gain access back into the system when locked out. 




Removing ACL Settings when locked out of system

If ACL is restricting you from being able to log into a system then please follow the below steps. These will allow you to remove the ACL settings in place and give access to the system again.


Using a serial lead make sure the pins are set as 2-2, 3-3, 5-5. Connect the cable.

Connect the serial using the below connection details:


115200 – Baud rate

Data rate = 8bits

Parity = none

Stopbits = 1 bit

Flow control = none


If unsuccessful then check RS-232 Port settings (PGM 174) to make sure they have not been changed.


Login with the remote access password (if this is set)

At the next prompt type below password:


You will then see a command line with maint>

Enter acl stop as below:

Maint>acl stop

This will disable the ACL so you can log back into the system.