Document name iPECS UCP – How to convert BRIM Module from/to SBUS working Author  Anita Robson Publish Date 03/09/2019 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 03/09/2019 Anita Robson 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how Convert a BRIM Module from/to SBUS working




 How to convert a BRIM module from/to S/Bus working 

The UCP supports S/Bus working if a LIK-BRIM module is converted / set for S/Bus working


To use S interface on iPECS-UCP

1) Version

UCP version : A.0Cb or later

BRIM version : 6.0Da or later


2) Wiring

Cable Pin rearrange: Rearrange Cable pins as below S Interface Port.


Pin No.




TX +

RX +


RX +

TX +


RX –

TX –


TX –

RX –



RJ45 to RJ45 Cross Connection by adaptor.


3) To change mode Telnet to port 5003


enter password: remotejannie

enter Password: ipkts




main> mode     <===== BRIM will display the current interface mode.

 mode type[0:S-interface, 1:T-interface]

 Current BRIM Line Interface mode : T-interface


main> mode 0   <======= BRIM will change the interface mode from T to S.


 BRIM Line Interface mode changed to S-interface

 !!! After Changing the line interface, Please restart the BRIM module !!!

main> reset    <====== To Restart BRIM module.



The T/S mode should be selected before registered to MFIM



4) BRIM (STIM) does not provide power to S0 terminal.

So, Local power(power adaptor) should be used.


5) To S interface for data

PGM111, 4th (Data Security) should be ON.


