Document name iPECS UCP – CODEC settings for Switching Channels in version 3 Author  Jess Portugal Publish Date 12/12/2018 Version  1.0



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 12/12/2018 Jess Portugal 1st draft 1.0



2. Document Purpose & History



This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps to set the CODEC for the Switching Channels in version 3.



iPECS UCP – CODEC settings for Switching Channels in version 3



In version 3 the VOIP Virtual Switching Channels only works in CODEC G.711-a.


In version 3, CODECs G.711-a and G.711-u should both exist in the CODEC table.


To insure the G711-a is the only CODEC used, you can set the option 8 in PGM133: Use single codec only to ON.




That will force the VOIP Virtual Switching Channels only to use the first priority: G.711-a, if set it in External CODEC Priority Configuration, also in PGM133.