Document name UCP – How to set night mode destination to voice mail Author  Jessica Portugal  Publish Date 20/08/2018 Version  1.0 Reference   


1. Version Information 


Date Author Update Information  Version  20/08/2018 Jess Portugal 1st Draft 1.0 04/06/2020 Andy Aston    



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how to set night mode destination to voice mail.




UCP – How to set night mode destination to voice mail.


If you want your Night service to be answered and enable a message to be left, you can do this by overflowing a group to the VSF group.   You can either leave the message in an existing extension on the system or choose a dummy mailbox if all your users need their own mailbox.




Set group type to VSF-VM and Save 


Note you can only have one VSF-VM group.



If you want the voice mail to go to a dummy extension, you should add in PGM105 an extension number at the bottom of the range and save. That will be the waiting station.


Create a Ring Group in PGM 190 and add a real extension into it (it will only ring for 1s).



Click on Go to Attributes and set:


Overflow: 1s

Overflow Destination: (VSF-VM group number)

Mailbox Message Wait Station: (dummy extension added in PGM105 or existing one) 

Mailbox Password:  (as you wish)




The Mailbox Message Wait Station of the ring group should have a password in PGM 227 – Station Authorization Code Table, under authorisation code.





That will be the extension and password (Mailbox Message Wait Station + Authorization Code) you will need to provide when dialling the voice mail group (VSF-VM group) to listen to the voicemails.


Then, to set as a night mode destination, go to PGM 231, enter the 3 last digits of the DDI.


Set night mode destination as the Ring Group number: