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This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary steps on how to setup a flexible button profile on cloud.
iPECS Cloud – Flexible button profile
Within the iPECS cloud platform you have the ability to create Button Profiles that can be applied to phones individually or applied to all phones when creating them. This means that the majority of button configuration can be completed in one go.
First within the customer manager portal navigate to ‘Flexible button profile’ and Click Add to create the profile you will be asked to provide a profile name and the device type as LIP.
Next select ‘Button Setting’ and then select your profile from the drop down.
This will then allow you to see the flexible buttons that could be available to be provisioned on the phone.
Please note you will only be able to provision the same amount of buttons to a phone as it has available.
Ie. if you have a profile with 16 buttons configured and you apply this to a 9002 this will only apply the first 4 buttons as this is all that is available.
To then amend the keys if you scroll to the bottom of the page you will have the option to select Modify All.
You will now be able to amend all of the keys at once. Note as stated before, if you are using a single client then you should not provision button 1 as this will be your line key, if using a multi line then you should not configure line 1 or 2. You will now be able to provision the remainder of your buttons.
Once this has been saved you will have to apply this to a handset. Within User phone config, after you have searched for the user you can select the profile from the dropdown then click apply.
Lastly click save.
Josh Aldridge
Tech support
Pragma – Unified Technology
t: 01903 927100 e: josh.aldridge@wearepragma.co.uk w: www.wearepragma.co.uk
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