1. Version Information
2. Document Purpose & History
While a user is on an ongoing call, they can put the caller on hold and dial out on another line. In order to do this, there needs to be a line available to the user’s extension. By default, a user only has their own DN as an available line, and additional lines must be configured either via shared line or multi-line.
iPECS Cloud – Loss of Secondary DN while moving from UCE to iPECS ONE
When a user had iPECS UCE as one of their devices, they have a secondary DN, allowing them to make a call out on an additional line. When moving to iPECS ONE, this DN is no longer present, so if users need to utilise multiple DNs, they will need to make use of shared lines or multi-line.
Important Note – When a user places a call on hold and begins to dial, the system seizes the first available DN displayed on the phone flex keys.
If this first available DN is a shared line that is configured to auto-dial voicemail, the user will be sent to voicemail rather than being allowed to dial out. To avoid this scenario, the user must have a DN configured immediately below their main DN that does not auto-dial the voicemail. This can be achieved by following either of the below methods and ensuring the DN key is the next available DN key after the user’s extension DN:
Shared line
- Within the Customer Manager Portal, navigate to Call Manager > Shared Line.
- Within Shared Line, select “Add” to create a new Shared Line.
- Give the Shared Line an unused Digit Number, then select “Change”:
- Within the “Available” box, select the users who need a second line and then click the “<” arrow to assign them to the shared line.
- Next to each user, assign then button that the shared line should show under (in this case, make sure it is the next available DN key after 1, usually 2).
- The Shared Line will now be the next available DN after the user’s DN. When a caller is placed on hold and the user dials out, they will seize this line.
Multiple DN
- In order to add a second DN key to a user, you need a “Multiple Line” license. This can be ordered within “Change Order”:
- Once the order is approved and final confirmed, within the customer manager portal, navigate to the Customer Manager Portal > User and select the user that needs an additional line key.
- At the bottom of the page, select “Phone Configuration”:
- Within Phone configuration, double click on the next available button after the User’s DN (usually 2).
- Set the below:
Button Class : DN Number
DN Phone No. : A free DN
Button Label : Give the line a name for the label - Click “Save”. The Shared Line will now be the next available DN after the user’s DN. When a caller is placed on hold and the user dials out, they will seize this line.
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