Document name iPECS Cloud – CLI Displaying When Calling a Busy Station Author  Andy Aston Publish Date 29/06/2023 Version  1.0 Reference  



1. Version Information 



Date Author Update Information  Version 29/06/2023 Andy Aston   1.0                                



2. Document Purpose & History


This document is intended to provide the reader with the necessary information on why a CLI displays when calling a busy station




CLI Displaying When Calling a Busy Station






If a station has made a call to an external number and another user dials the busy station the CLI is displayed on the handset. 

If user A makes a call to 07123456789, for example and user B calls station A, then 07123456789 will be displayed on users B’s handset.


This is because Intrusion is enabled on the station. To stop this you must disable Intrusion on user B’s handset or both if required.