Document Name Unified Software – Troubleshooting Guide Author  Robert Smith Publish Date 28/07/21 Version 1


1. Version Information 


Date Author  Update Information Version 28/07/21 Robert Smith 1st Revision 1.0                

2. Document Purpose & History


This document is to provide a useful troubleshooting guide for various Unified software scenarios. 


Unified Software – Troubleshooting Guide


Please see the attached document containing detailed troubleshooting steps for the below scenarios. 


  1. Case 1. RTP Packet analysis
  2. Case 2. VOIM upgrade
  3. Case 3. ACL (Access Control List)
  4. Case 4. CID detection issue on analogue CO line of UCP system
  5. Case 5. Analog CO line hanging or phantom call to attendant
  6. Case 6. CLI for transit call
  7. Case 7. To use FAX
  8. Case 8. Web access
  9. Case 9. SLT Hook flash
  10. Case 10. Mobile Extension
  11. Case 11. H.323 Networking (IP bind)
  12. Case 12. TNET
  13. Case 13. Geographic Redundancy
  14. Case 14. Time slot is not assigned – mute (eMG800 only)
  15. Case 15. Immediate Second Call Problem Behind NAT Router
  16. Case 16. License Issue
  17. Case 17. Can’t add station via virtual registration
  18. Case 18. Second system IP range
  19. Case 19. Local-Remote mode
  20. Case 20. Network Configuration
  21. Case 21. SIP Registration Log
  22. Case 22. SIP Authentication Log
  23. Case 23. SIP call disconnection after 30 seconds
  24. Case 24. SIP call has one-way mute problem
  25. Case 25. How to integrate 3rd party SIP VMS/UMS
  26. Case 26. How to integrate 3rd party SIP based VMS/UMS
  27. Case 27. Forgot ID/password
  28. Case 28. Restore out going disable CO line
  29. Case 29. Change HTTP/HTTPS
  30. Case 30. Delete Call log
  31. Case 31. Log view & clear
  32. Case 32. Hot desk with UCS call control (Current issue)
  33. Case 33. Hot desk with personal group (New feature 1, V3.1)
  34. Case 34. Hot desk with UCS call control (New feature 2)
  35. Case 35. UCS
  36. Case 36. State of “System information” on Web admin
  37. Case 37. License issue for iPECS Unified S/W v1.3.9 or earlier
  38. Case 38. MOH problem in AWS
  39. Case 39. vUCP Temp license
  40. Case 40. Network config
  41. Case 41. Register VCIM and Assign channel
  42. Case 42. Manage Web admin login ID/password
  43. Case 43. Translate LCD language
  44. Case 44. eMG data communication error print
  45. Case 45. Sort/Print system speed dial
  46. Case 46. Print license information


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